
Apply for Standard Bank Graduate Programme 2024

Standard Bank is inviting young graduates and students to apply for its Corporate Investment Banking Operations Graduate Programme

Closing date: Ongoing

Location: Johannesburg

Standard Bank Corporate Investment Banking Operations Graduate Programme

Our vision is to transform into a distinctive, optimised processing unit that harnesses the power of an Intelligent Processing Model (IPM), to provide a competitive advantage for the Bank and our clients, by:

  • Leveraging Data, as a key differentiator
  • Focusing on Intelligent Transformation
  • Using novel technologies such as Blockchain and Generative AI
  • Establishing an API layer for all that comes into CIB Operations
  • Unlocking the power of our people’s collective wisdom and expertise

As the signature programme for transformation, IPM will be the key driver in CIB Operations, becoming a best of breed and Fit for Future processing unit and is based on three (3) key pillars.


  • Process Mining
  • Smart Discovery


  • Smart Solutioning – leveraging available technologies complemented by new emerging technologies (Blockchain, AI)
  • Re-organising inefficient structures 


  • Value Realisation
  • Continuous improvement
  • Monitor our ability to become / remain as the lowest cost provider 


Minimum Requirements:

Postgraduate or 4-year degree in:

  • STEM
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Bachelor Business Science
  • Finance and Investment Management

  • Economics
  • South African Citizen
  • Maximum of two years’ work experience
  • Minimum of 65% average over all years of study

Additional Information

Key skills and characteristics:

  • Working collaboratively with others
  • Resilience
  • Creative Problem solving and considered decision making
  • Curiosity and willingness to learn
  • Positive attitude and self confidence


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